Friday, November 6, 2009

Interview With Contactee Vlado Kapetanovic

This interview took place while Mr. Kapetanovic was still alive. He passed away in 2005 and was considered the first contactee to speak about contacts with beings from planet Apu in Peru. There are other contactees in Peru who claim to have had physical contacts with the benebolent "Apunians." Among them, Sixto Paz Wells from Mision Rahma, Ricardo Gonzalez from Proyecto ECIS and Roberto Vargas de la Gala (with no group banner). Their information about the Apunians matches but -as expected from previous attempts to compare contactee information- partially so.

The Apunians - An Interview by Giorgio Piacenza

Vlado Kapetanovic (Vitco Novi), born in 1918, is a Yugoslavian
electrical engineer who experienced hundreds of physical contact
hours with the Apunians in the highlands of Peru. He is highly
regarded by communicating with ETs in Peru and is a responsible
altruistic man living a very simple life. This interview took place
in Lima in September of 1994 and speaks about some of his first
encounters with a very benevolent and old race of friends.
Q- Who are they Vlado?
A- They are persons that live on a planet they call Apu, which is
many millions of light years distant from our galaxy.
Q- How do they look?
A- They look the same as us, yet they are physically better
proportioned (than most on Earth). They can be as tall as they wish
to; some are taller than two meters and some are shorter.
Q- When did your contacts begin?
A- On march 10, 1960, at the Hydroelectric Plant of Huallanca in
Ancash, Peru. One night the light went out... I was an electrical
technician in charge of the plant... I went outside to start the D.C.
emergency system and met with such a light that it seemed to be
daytime. It came from a saucer resting on a piece of land between two
nearby rivers. The security guard, Quiroz, told me not to approach
because "they are persons that do much good up in the villages...
they he-l us, make it rain and every-thing." I just thought they were
from the m-litary because somehow they had passed through the
electric cables. Nevertheless, I asked Quiroz where they were from
and he said. "They are our friends from planet Apu." Thinking that he
was drunk, I told him to set down.
Walking towards the light, I encountered two human persons. They
saluted me in my own language (Yugoslavian), but this didn't
surprise me because anyone can learn languages. I asked them why
they had caused the interruption and they answered, "Friend, we
don't come to Earth to harm anyone, but to help our terrestrial
brothers...everything for others." then they climbed into the ship
and left.
Q-How was your second contact?
A- On April 2, 1960, a technician (also called Quiroz) and I went
for a hike. On a plain we found shepherds with their animals. There
was a campfire and suddenly one of the shepherds came to us and
aggressively asked, "What do you want here?" I told him that we
were hunting pumas. Then he abruptly said, "go over there."
Suddenly, another person approached from the campfire gathering
and I recognized him as one of those persons that I had seen at the
hydroelectric plant. He gave me his hand and the shepherd allowed
me to pass through. We sat around and one of the foreigners stood
up and said he would demonstrate a "gymnastic exercise" for our
liking. He pressed some buttons on his chest, his pants became
wider like balloons then flew around and returned. Thinking that I
was being hypnotized, I walked back home.
Q- How was your third experience?
A- On May 15, 1960, Gomez, the technician, and I went for a
walk to the hills and we met with shepherds in huts near a campfire.
Out of a hut came a crying boy and a crying lady. We asked this
lady why she was crying and she responded that a week ago one of
her boys had fractured his spine and several ribs.
Then we went into the hut to see her boy. He was about ten years
old and his body had a deep blue color associated with gangrene.
We asked her to allow us to take the boy to the town of Caraz for
She emphatically rejected this proposal because "the g-ds will
come to heal him".
I was expecting them to dance na-ed and invoke the spi-its when
suddenly a small airplane descended vertically without any noise.
Everyone around the campfire stood up when a woman stepped out of
this craft, approached and went into the hut. Carrying the little
boy in her arms, she took him into the airplane.
Everyone around me kneeled down, but I remained standing until
my companion told me to kneel. She then approached and said,
"Please stand up. We don't come to Earth to be thanked, paid, or
worshipped on your knees because we have the sacred mission of doing
everything for others."
We all stood up, She approached and I asked her, "What have you
done with the boy?"
She responded, "I disintegrated him into minius (1) and then
reintegrated him with healthy cells."
Again, I asked her, "What does that mean?" She made a gesture with
her hands and turned seven sheep into flower vases. I still thought
she could make me see anything through hypnosis. She commented that
on Earth "We, as a people, usually think what we can see or do as
"Then, where are your from," I asked her, "From Earth or Apu?"
"I am from Earth, but have lived in Apu for 100 years." Then she
moved her hand once again and the vases turned into seven doves. Some
dogs ran after them and I thought, "Poor dogs, they are as hypnotized
as me." Suddenly, she moved her hand and the seven sheep reappeared.
Then, the lady invited us to go into the airplane to see events on
the "time screens". Gomez, a few shepherds and I went into the craft
and on the wall we saw a glass screen that began to reproduce
everything we thought.
We saw the birth and life of Je--s Christ (Jmmanuel) and the way
in which a section of Apu was somehow once connected with the Lake
Titicaca region. We also saw how a "cellular planet" touched this
region and promoted life. This is why there are some strange animals
on the lake (such as the giant frogs) that were investigated by a
team of French scientists.
Q- What is the Apunians main message, Vlado?
A- They don't know how to hate. They just reject the negativity
and soften it. This is why they don't have any w-rs. They are friends
of all intelligent beings in the universe. If someone attacks them
they disintegrate them and reintegrate them as a friend. Their main
message is expressed by the phrase "everything for others."
Q- Do you still have contacts?
A- I have contacts every now and then. One has to concentrate and
relax for this. But they are among us every day since they can
appear as w-ites, bl-cks, orientals or whatever is necessary.
(1) The "minius" is said to be the origin of all life, an
elemental particle that exists between non-matter and matter, a
million times smaller than a proton, and possibly what we identify
today as a single photon in present concepts. Note: Ancient Texts
from India talk about a bio particle called "prana" while Taoist
sages call it "chi". This most elemental particle could be the
first of 7 building blocks which make up a single atom, yet somehow
exists as a single point everywhere in the universe as a primary
consciousness called "creation". Each existing minius particle is
somehow one single particle existing in all space and time called
Modern scientists have only just begun to call this elemental
particle "Tachyon". Tachyons are said to exist only above the speed
of light, yet also exists in all things. What ever name one chooses
to put to it, this primary element of creation can be used to
generate enough psychic force to create matter, alter reality,
alter space, alter time, conduct instant healing, reverse age,

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