Friday, November 6, 2009

Knowledge or Belief? Is There Valid and Useful Contactee Information?

Knowledge or Belief? A Brief Inquiry into Some Uncertain Extraterrestrial-Based “Esoteric” Deemed Necessary to Change the World

Giorgio Piacenza

Other than classical metaphysical descriptions and speculations about the constitution of reality, there has also been a long-standing interest to genuinely believe in more esoteric, supernatural descriptions; in accounts of the world that are uniquely revealed in alleged spiritual manners or extraordinarily transmitted and perceived. These accounts are considered suspicious among a majority of modern and postmodern, green and orange altitude scholars but, nonetheless, they still vie for the influence of many individuals and oftentimes generate social movements promising universal explanations to promote human evolution and to usher unity among otherwise disjointed etymologies and philosophies. Many, so called, “esoteric” traditions or traditions outside of mainstream cultural expressions have existed within all known levels of cultural development. In fact, a great many have recently blossomed partially as a unique reaction to the modern scientific era. Two social movements based on information allegedly received from extraterrestrial sources are compared by using zones 1,3,6 & 8 of Ken Wilber's Integral Methodological Pluralism. We try to fathom some of their dynamics in relation to AQAL space and also venture into their possible validities in relation to the “I,” the “We” and “It” perspectives and to their usefulness in today’s world.


On one hand, views of the world have become disenchanted and postmodern philosophy- with its deconstructive emphasis- hasn’t provided orienting guidelines that truly satisfy the hunger for meaning in the human soul. On the other hand, next to traditional metaphysical and religious traditions, there have been throughout the centuries, across cultures and across various individual and collective developmental stages, not just mystical experiences but other, so called, “esoteric” ways to allegedly obtain guiding information. Some of the ways to “divine” or to receive information from messengers or sources closer to various understandings of the “Transcendental Other” are intuitive, premonitory, mantic, prefigurative, oniric, theophanic, oracular, telepathic, mediumistic, psychometric, autoscopic, telesthesic, ludic, astrologic, augural, trance-induced, prosopopetic, out-of-body, hypnotic, prayer-based, etc. Also, many types of cultures across developmental levels (shamanic/archaic/magenta, mythical/amber and modern/orange) have sustained secret or esoteric traditions reserved for a few initiates and I don’t think that this long-standing tradition of enacting and receiving guidance from sources reserved to a few within a given culture is just coming to a close. Many of these traditions are meant to provide overarching, more inclusive and “integral” explanations on how the world works than what is provided by the exoteric (more commonly and outwardly shared) knowledge at large. For instance, among shamanic cultures there are oftentimes degrees of initiation and wisdom, among deity- worshipping, mythic cultures there are “mystery” traditions and among modern cultures there are hermetic traditions or subcultures, frequently associated with alleged contacts with otherworldly realities. I actually believe there’s the possibility that some of these alternative ways to obtain inspiration, information and/or guidance among individuals and cultures also correlates with an important capacity that transcends the rational instrumental mind and makes use of (classical) space and time-transcending “psychic” abilities. In my view, these abilities can, in turn, be coordinated by a higher form of intellection known “Buddhi” (in Vedanta philosophy) and as “Prajña” (in Buddhist philosophy). In fact, I believed that the particular forms of meaningful information-gathering is probably coordinated by Buddhi or Prajña (which could perhaps be called “Higher Mind” or “intuitive intellection”) and it oftentimes serves to systematize alternative coherent ideologies which acquire the developmental characteristics of a particular stage of cultural development and serve to guide the lives of groups of people. For instance, in the so called “archaic” age, great creation stories came about together with shamanic “voyages.” In the, so called, “axial” age, great doctrines and ethical guidelines came about together with forms of egoic humbleness and submissiveness-related prayer, meditation and contemplation. In the modern age, which began in relation to the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, a series of Western esoteric schools (from the Marcilio Ficino’s Hermetic Philosophy in Florence to Rosicrucianism, Martinism, Theosophy, Kardecian Spiritism, The Lucis Trust, Anthroposophy, the Gnostic Universal Christian Movement, Triangles, the Universal Great Brotherhood, et al.) sprung up as an effort to incorporate an ancient line of revelations attempting first to incorporate secret revelations and interpretations of platonic schools and to simultaneously observe the growing rational ethos of their time, to empirical evidence and, eventually, the concept of evolution. Almost simultaneously with the appearance of these schools, a number of individuals claiming to have experienced guiding contact with extraterrestrial beings also began to appear, sometimes also giving rise to social movements also generally “esoteric” and outside of the mainstream. For instance, one of the first widely known explorers or other realities and also a “contactee” was Emmanuel Swedenborg, an influential author back in the 1700’s.

The French-initiated, postmodern period in philosophy with its great emphasis in deconstruction seems to have had a less critical influence on the disenchantment of the world than the major shift between the pre modern to the modern ages. In its own way, nevertheless, it does still affect the ethics of billions of individuals that (according to developmental studies) are transitioning between an amber center of gravity to an orange center of gravity for being-in-the-world and, in my view, seems to enhance cultural and moral relativism as a required condition to make the transition. Although the influence of personal and intersubjective interpretation busting the, so called, “Myth of the Given” cannot be denied, I think that we are in a perilous globalized position in which by denying the various forms of mythically interpreted transmental guidance of yesterday, a resurgence of red-level driving forces could fill in the gaps which rationality without vision-logic leaves. Thus, the massive shift from Amber to Orange, together with a wholesale dismissal of the esoteric traditions that accompanied the classic modern period (partially as a countermeasure to cold-hearted materialism), could leave a majority of individuals stranded without direction and willing to fall back into a no holes barred war for turf in order to make it in the nitty-gritty competitive orange-enacted world. Red needs and values being at the root of survival mechanisms could blossom in replacement of inexistent, integrating Meta guidelines capable of reconciling mythic structures with orange practicality and mean green deconstruction.

For these reasons I wonder whether there could be salvageable elements among the various esoteric traditions, elements that could be useful in today’s circumstances to promote a Second Tier integrating conceptual framework. It is easy to say that perceptions/interpretations of higher states in eras gone by were only useful for people of those eras but I think that, since previous developmental levels are still here with as (as we transcend and include them), we ought to carry out a comparative and experimental (IMP based) study of the realities that were disclosed by various cultures and developmental levels in the past. This will insure that we don’t dismiss too readily what we consider useful belief from the past from what we consider useful knowledge today. Rekindling my previous ideas, I’d say that the connecting thread among valuable esoteric information disclosed in the archaic/shamanic, traditional/mythic and modern/postmodern pasts (which are also partially enmeshed with us still today) is the link with a higher kind of integrating mind (Buddhi/Prajña) so much associated with Ken Wilber’s notion of a “vision-logic” correlated with disclosures of a Second Tier nature. For this reason, I venture to posit the likelihood that some of the esoteric knowledge disclosed and imparted to small segments of individuals in various cultures and in different periods of time worldwide might be useful and valid across cultural developmental levels and, therefore, necessary in the creation of an Integral map and for the enhancement of Integral applications. It is likely that the disclosures related to the “Higher Integrating Mind” were also instrumental for maintaining a continuous evolutionary link with the Transcendental Other, for initiating the mystical states that led to establishing the world’s great religions, moral principles, philosophies, metaphysical systems and secret revelations claiming to offer more encompassing explanations from the Heart of all things. It wouldn’t be a surprise if our budding Integral Vision is also being inspired by this “Higher Integrating Mind.”

I will follow up this introduction with a brief exploration of two exemplars in relation to disclosing and/or receiving culturally orienting information from esoteric or non-mainstream sources: By using IMP zones 1, 3, 6 and 8, I’ll attempt to disclose and comment on aspects of what I consider to be one credible and one non credible UFO-based movement.

UFO-Based Social Movement One: Mision Rahma
Since 1977 I’ve known participants of a group that started in 1974 after an experimental method to attempt communication with extraterrestrials was performed by the children of the Paz Wells family and a few of their close friends in Lima. An unusually strong need to write manifested in a few individuals was followed by messages from a person called Oxalc an alleged extraterrestrial colonist living in Ganymede and asking them to go to KM 54 of the Panamerican Hwy on a certain day and time. Although everyone was sceptical, several people went and a large, metallic, hamburger-shaped object came out of the Ocean and approached them, flying overhead. After they heard a thought-voice that there wouldn’t be a landing or physical contact because emotions in the group were running high, the object left. They were also told that there would be another opportunity to meet face to face.

As communications continued, Juan José Benitez, a Spanish EFE news Agency reporter, (now a prolific author on esoteric subjects) was invited to the desert of Chilca to witness the approach of a craft and he did so on two occasions after which he wrote the book OVNIS: S.O.S. to Humanity. Eventually, physical contacts took place starting with Sixto and Carlos Paz Wells. A method to prepare other people for contact was devised together with a way to hermeneutically discuss whether any particular information or communication from alleged extraterrestrial intelligence was genuine or spurious. By the mid 70’s UFO sightings became commonplace in Chilca, a small community south of Lima and dozens of individuals began to experience various kinds of direct contact (like walking into visible domes of light on the ground and being transported to a -friendly- alien environment). The messages multiplied and the group grew, became international came to be known as Misión Rama (its now known as Misión Rahma). The problem of sifting genuine messages from mentally constructed ones (mentalisms) became relevant and guidelines were devised with the assistant of whom became extraterrestrial friends, mentors and …yes “older brothers” (as are known elsewhere by other genuine and non genuine “contactees”). Messages should not promote an individual; they would have to be consistent with other messages, physically separate receivers of the same message should receive complementary messages, messages should be corroborated by clear, unequivocal sightings, the person receiving messages should demonstrate self control, a desire not to stand out and a responsible balance toward his family life, his social life and his working life.

As time went by many mistakes were committed due to the excessive enthusiasm of the mostly young participants and also to the nature of the messages being received, messages that didn’t primarily relate with ecological or scientific issues but with a cultural and spiritual transformation. These messages were similar to the line of thought of other contactees from the 50’s era in the U.S. and were also akin to aspects of theosophical teachings. They provided an alternative history for humanity and a “mission”: To work in several countries so as to awaken the sleeping consciousnesses of reincarnated individuals that had a commitment with this mission and to enhance transdimensional energy vortices through the use of collectively focused human feeling and intention so as to reconnect Earth with another time dimension. The reception of a unique historical and scientific book from the hands of extraterrestrials and from the hands of ancient spiritual masters living in underground monasteries was also advertised, but hasn’t taken place yet. Nonetheless, several arduous, interesting and relatively successful expeditions in search of archaeological sites near which some of these monasteries exist have taken place. The idea of living a simple balanced life and an exemplary life of love and service, following the teachings of the great wisdom masters, (especially those of Jesus the Christ), was emphasized. The practice of daily meditation and of psychophysical or psycho energetic exercises was also suggested but nothing was forced upon participants.

As time went by other news reporters were also invited and some experienced interesting sightings after having made an appointment with the extraterrestrial “guides.” 1989 in particular was a watershed year for this and reporters from the U.S. (Mr. José Grey, Mrs Leticia Callava from Univision & Telemundo), from TV Channel 2, Argentina and one from Diario Expreso in Lima filmed, saw or took photographs of anomalous objects at a certain distance. As time went by a few other persons from other countries began to establish contacts with the same beings from Ganymede and some of them are my close friends (Roberto, Fernando, Luis Fernando, Ricardo, Beatriz, Raymundo, Maritza, Gilmer and others).

UFO-Based Social Movement Two: Unarius

A few years ago I made a phone call to Unarius Academy of Science and a Mr. Charles Spaegel answered. We held a long conversation as I wanted to share information from another contact group in relation to alleged extraterrestrial communications. Mr. Spaegel sounded kind and very willing to share the “truth” with me but I soon noticed that his enthusiasm was one-sided. He told me that Unarius was the name of a plane of leadership in Shambhalla and that it stood for “Universal Articulate Understanding of Science.” I sent a contribution and received several booklets and a video on the teachings and rituals imparted at the academy. Over the years I also occasionally followed news about this organization that was founded in 1954 by Ernest Norman and by Ruth Marian after they met in a psychic fair. The organization settled in El Cajon, CA and was based on the inspiring channelled teachings of the founding leaders as the first one claim to have been Jesus Christ in a former life and the latter, Archangel Uriel. Both leaders also claimed to be in contact with beings from other planets and from other planes of existence. As far as I can tell, and concurring with Dianna Tumina (who presented an essay about Unarius at the August, 2001 meeting of the American Sociological Association) the Unarians survived based on a mutually enhancing complicity between the leaders and their close followers. Based on ideas from Max Weber, her insight is that close students/devotees entered into “reciprocal relationships of charismatic validation with their teachers.” 1

Mr. Norman passed away and Ruth (Uriel) took over the reigns of the organization that distributed educational material through correspondence. I found that every now and then documentaries and TV specials showed Ruth (Uriel) heavily dressed up as a flamboyant colourful and exotic goddess or queen. After Ruth died, Mr. Spaegel took over and after a small schism, the organization officially announced that there would be a massive UFO landing for all the world to see in the 2001. Even I kept an eye for it but, needless to say, no such landing took place, both leaders passed away, there were some power struggles within the closest devotees and Charles Spaegel took over the lead. His tenure was legitimized by “channelled” material that mentioned he had been atoned for by serving Ruth for many years, even after having killed Norman in another life as an extraterrestrial. Some time later, Mr. Spaegel (also known as Antares) died and the closest members of the group strengthened the board of directors, consulted the now departed extraterrestrial leaders through channelling and continued with the organization, in spite of failed prophecies and such.

The mission of the Unarians was to disseminate an alternative history and spiritual teachings to assist humankind to awaken to the truth about their origins and how to evolve. I read part of the imparted teachings and found them partly inspiring but vague. Not even the names of the alleged planets of origin were original. The main planet was called “Orion” and another planet “Eros.” The group was a self-reinforcing collective that survived due to their member’s subjective experiences. As far as I know there have been no confirmed sightings or physical contacts. Understanding of the teachings is supposed to occur in an inner personal level, basically as a revelation. Memberships and courses by correspondence are offered. The development of psychic abilities and the discovery of past lives is emphasized since it is taught that humans have lived many lives on Earth and in extraterrestrial planets. Visions are taken very seriously and many symbols are used to promote an otherworldly atmosphere conducive to remembrance.

In the Unarian web site explicit and bold predictions are made offering the hope for an interesting future. Sometimes these predictions resemble part of the information being managed within the Mision Rahma group. More specifically, the prediction that planet Earth will become the 33rd member of an Interplanetary Confederation was the reason I decided to call the organization and le me to speak with Charles Spaegel.

“The year 2000 will mark the close of this major cycle and will initiate a new society--a spiritual renaissance of logic and reason--wherein humankind will be joined with other humankind in the recognition that life as we know it exists on countless other terrestrial planets throughout the galaxies.
An Interplanetary Confederation will be seen as the existence of highly advanced humankind who have attained to a higher level of awareness of their spiritual nature. This will be the future prognosis for all people on planet Earth, as it is destined to become the thirty-third sustaining member of the Interplanetary Confederation.” 2

A Preliminary AQAL-IMP Analysis of UFO-Based Social Movement One

Zone 1: As a participant in gatherings with this group, I’ve felt a deep sense of greater possibilities. I’ve experienced a sense of commitment and inspiration and some sense of brotherhood. I’ve also experienced much emotional distress due to physical discomfort while fasting and camping out plus the frustration of not being able to share points of view with an informed, intellectual group. Asking others about their inner experiences, I’ve heard reports of intense emotions of fear and hope before contact experiences, emotions which turned into deep feelings of peace and love which changed outlooks in life towards a general understanding of the sacred mission human beings have to enhance life. I have been repeatedly told that these feelings were also intensely transmitted by the extraterrestrials themselves during the contacts. Inner feelings of satisfaction keep individuals interested in participating with the group. Approximately one in 30 individuals is capable of significant teleprehensive abilities, oftentimes manifesting as telepathy and automatic writing. Some members of the group seem to resonate with amber altitude, mythic values but many also are professionals capable of operating at orange altitude. From their expressed values I surmise that their self-identity line tends to be at least Worldcentric.
Zone 3: Dialogue and intersubjective harmony is emphasized as much as collective paradigms and practices that are aimed at producing beneficial results for the world. These collective paradigm/practices on regular occasions do enact physical and subtle energy phenomena. Although there are leading figures, there’s a cultural emphasis in independent development and thinking and, as years go by, more leading figures emerge without a pattern of contending for supremacy. There’s a general good standing relation with non-group members of the community at large and most Rahma participants don’t stand out in society as odd or pathological. The relation with extraterrestrial beings is one of respect but not one of servitude or divinization. As the group has matured over 33 years of existence there’s less of a tendency to mythologize these space individuals. Most disagreements among group participants are dealt with in a friendly manner and everyone is given a chance to vent their issues which tend to be organizational. A feeling of camaraderie prevails in most subgroups and the larger group in general. There’s an evolving ideology dependent upon the continuous reception of information stemming from an association of extraterrestrial beings through ongoing contacts experienced by different Mision Rahma subgroups in various countries. Nevertheless, as is the case with other superficially similar groups, there are some similarities with the theosophical tradition in the connections between the idea of more evolved, helpful beings, reincarnation and the evolution of the soul.

Zone 6: Individual and collectively verified physical phenomena which include close and unequivocal observation of extraterrestrial vehicles, visible pyramid-shaped crystals, nighttime-turn-into-daytime flashes of light, visible holographic-like tall humanoid forms, apparent bilocation events and the transformation of physical bodies into more energetic forms, spatial displacement, physical contact with tall extraterrestrial beings, entering mildly luminous but clearly visible domes of light where the air temperature and the passing of time can be experienced differently from the outside and being physically taken onboard a physical craft, do take place.
Zone 8: In each country where Mision Rahma exists, there usually are several small units or groups generally consisting of 5 to 15 individuals. These groups operate quite independently from the directions of a controlling or parent organization. Many of them work with one or more participants called “antennas” who are capable of communicating more clearly with the extraterrestrials. A pattern of meditation practices, sharing and analyzing information as well as planning and conducting field trips to specific sites is followed under a collective regnant nexus that normally emphasizes discipline and mutual respect. After one or more “missions” are carried on information is shared in large gatherings once or twice a year and through the internet. There’s a minimal hierarchy, usually based upon experience, charisma and proven trajectory. There are regular camping excursions and sometimes major journeys to remote regions of the world. It is also interesting to mention that there’s like a self-selection system in the sense that after new people join after the public conference of a major contactee in the group, the ideology of the group is shared along 24 weeks. If 100 interested participants join in disseminated among the various subgroups, 10 may remain at the end of the 24 weeks. Of these 10, maybe 3 or 4 remain for the long run since, quite often, after seeing a UFO many feel satisfied and then leave while others leave because those external results sometimes take long to manifest or because of personal circumstances, different preferences or disagreements. Quite often, followers of new age channeling and ascended master information do not find themselves as fitting right in with the group.

A Preliminary AQAL-IMP Analysis of UFO-Based Social Movement Two

Zone 1: Initially, I felt intrigued and hopeful that, at least part of the information offered by the Unarians was genuine and compatible or complementary to that I found in Mission Rahma. Then, I felt disappointment that the leader I spoke with over the phone just demonstrated his friendly but completely one-sided enthusiasm. Definitely, enthusiasm is what I felt was coming from him and from the videos I’ve seen showing the activity of participants I’d say that they must have a personal inner experience of satisfaction, joy, meaning and acquiescence. A part of me resonated with their experience in a compassionate manner but maybe a greater part of me felt dismay about the disservice a group like this seems to do for society at large, unable and unwilling to discover that some other groups are experiencing a very significant and real encounter. Also, having participated in various Indian sects, new age and contact groups I feel like I understand aspects of the Unarians self-validating experiences. Because sometimes I also fell for equating feeling good with the validity claims of a group in relation to every quadrant-perspective I get a sense of why they could be so enthusiastic. Many individuals attracted to far out explanations about reality based on the charisma of certain individuals rather than in carefully discussed alternatives seem to be prone to zone one imperialism and in need to belong and to believe in order to function adequately.
Zone 3: As far as I can tell, the group’s ideology is reinforced by subjective experiences and by the intersubjective testimony of these experiences. Those closer to the leaders promoted mythologizing them in such a way that their alleged ineffableness and inerrancy generated group rules and understandings based on the primacy of authority. Then, as particular kind of participants (probably prone to confusing feeling good with having found truthful answers) are led to mutually reinforce emotional paroxysms through communal rituals that involve singing and praising, the validity of ideology is reinforced. I believe that the attires and customs of this particular group would not fit in with society at large. They would probably be seen as amusing and tolerated. I think that the group needs to maintain unquestioning and close adherence to its norms in order to survive. The group’s methods or paradigms enact solidarity and good feelings among participants. The possibility of being taken seriously as a scientifically-based group is almost nil. Most participants seem to be strongly amber/mythical in overall altitude. I seriously doubt that there’s a genuine relationship with a community of otherworldly beings. A central tenet of Unarian ideology is that everything is energy, a fact that denotes its modern era philosophical influence. There are some similarities with the theosophical tradition in the connections between the idea of more evolved, helpful beings, reincarnation and the evolution of the soul.

Zone 6: External correlations involve listening to channeled expressions of the leaders and communal expressions that are in line with the main ideology. I’m not aware of prophecies (such as the mass landing in 2001) coming to pass. The long endurance of the organization since 1954 is taken as proof that it’s genuine and blessed by higher beings.
Zone 8: There are strong outreach organizational efforts to share teachings, promote memberships, sell courses and articles online and to recruit participants. Their concept of “love in action” is also channeled through donating books, becoming a sponsor for videos to air on public or access TV, printing texts, starting a study center, providing past-life therapy and art classes in person and through live streaming, etc. Unarius Academy of Science has its physical headquarters in El Cajon, CA, but also satellite centers in Mission Hill, CA, Tijuana, Mexico, Vienna, Austria and, perhaps, Canada, Japan and Nigeria. A small board/council keeps the organization functioning and continuously rehashes, sells and promotes the same channeled material year after year.


Zone 1 validity claims (in the “I” space) pertain to authenticity, truthfulness or sincerity and, in this sense, it is likely that sincere participants of either UFO-based social movement are experiencing valid claims, according to their levels of understanding and development. Zone 3 validity claims (in the “We” space) aim at cohesion and goodness. What is good for the group depends on the hermeneutical interpretation of what is adequate or inadequate for group participants. In relation to these cases, I find Mision Rahma to be more authentic and less prone to schisms or self-injury because of the more open and mature nature of dialoguing rather than of trying to enforce a rigid set of beliefs. Zone 6 validity claims (in the “it” space) refer to correlates in the exterior, objectively verifiable perspective. In this respect, I find Mision Rahma as a social movement more evolved and mature in its efforts to deal with information that shares similar superficial structural cultural characteristics with Unarius Academy of Science. While the Unarians feel satisfied with enacting an organization that promotes exclusive channeled teachings and mutually reinforced exclamations, participants in Mision Rahma know that their claim to unique and potentially communicable knowledge with society at large is backed by very special, objective experiences. Zone 8 validity claims (in the “Its” space) depend upon interobjective correlations. In the case of Mision Rahma there’s a more fluid, more autopoietic kind of organizational system which correlates with a smaller psychological and cultural need to defend a particular set of beliefs. On the other hand, Unarius appears to survive due to a tight control of the organization. While Mision Rahma is not a formal or legal organization, Unarius is a formal, non-profit organization. While Mision Rahma participants are open to change, partly due to the evolution of their experiences among the many independent subgroups in different countries, Unarius requires strict reinforcement of what they stand for.

I think that, on final account, what could be considered knowledge rather than belief in relation to what is normally deemed “esoteric” information (whether UFO contact-based or not) are truth claims that arise with a clearly strong simultaneous correlation in the four quadrants as revealed by their corresponding methodological injunctions.


Groups which constitute small scale social movements such as Unarius Academy of Science and Mision Rahma persist in today’s world offering meaning and alternative, encompassing views to a small but noticeable fraction of people in today’s world. Shared commonalities among many of these groups (like The Etherius Society, Ashtar Command, Mark-Age, et al) include a belief in higher or more evolved beings trying to assist humankind and a belief in reincarnation. Oftentimes, these commonalities seem highly related with the general outlook offered by the Theosophical Society and similar “esoteric” schools of the hermetic tradition. Some of these groups mostly rely on charisma and very few rely on concrete experiences enacted by orange altitude or higher socially-orchestrated paradigms. In some ways, Mision Rahma seems to be an example of the latter. Then again, there are some UFO-based social movements like the ones that promote the Urantia Book and the Book of Oahspe, movements which rely on an impressive long and complex piece of portentous automatic writing. Also, a few of these groups, like the Raelian Church, while following charismatic leaders, deny ties with the theosophical/hermetic teachings and offer more technological worldviews.

Are any of these groups/UFO-based social movements useful in today’s world? Are we witnessing a pull from Eros making use of Buddhi or Prajña in any of these cases? From what I have seen in my involvement and observation with various alleged UFO contact groups, levels of self-denial and pathology run high in most cases that hold on to supposedly universally meaningful revelations or disclosures of information that cannot be replicated and openly questioned. Nevertheless, it seems that a very small percentage of these groups fostering their own expansion in social movements do indeed promise kernels of genuine revelations from a higher origin. Case in point, Mision Rahma seems to show a harmonious grouping of well correlated validity claims related to the methodological zones we began to superficially touch upon. Thus, in the “I” perspective natural emotions (given the unique circumstances) tend not to fall into unquestioning fanaticism. In the “We” perspective, open-ended hermeneutic questioning and sharing, coupled with time-tested collective injunctions lead to the enaction of uniquely important emergent phenomena and to a self-correcting interpreting mechanism. In the “It” perspective, hundreds, if not thousands of individuals in 33 years have directly experienced objective and extraordinary physical effects in relation with what has arisen in the previously mentioned perspectives.

Time will tell whether the experiences emerging within humanity, experiences as are experienced now by individuals associated to Mision Rahma will also stabilize as Kosmic habits in the also simultaneously emerging Integral Age. My own Higher Mind intuition tells me that what is occurring here is part of a healthy, bona fide process that unfolds more successfully than in other groups because key values of purity, humbleness and service to humankind, and the whole Kosmos are touching the hearts of a good number of participants. I may be a poor observer due to my partiality towards this group but classic developmental lines observed in most people don’t seem to apply very well for many individuals in this group. Thus, it is interesting that, in some sense, a fraction of participants seem to be amber altitude oriented (because they seem to accept information a bit unquestioningly, romantically or idealistically). In another sense, a few participants (generally the main contactees) seem intellectually active enough to self-organize themselves with discipline and with a self-questioning attitude. These latter individuals also usually attempt to influence the rest of the group towards thinking for themselves and towards being more responsible. In still another sense many participants seem to be green or higher (in that they outwardly claim not to identify primarily with a group or a nation but with the world or even with the Kosmos).

Perhaps more evolved, benign beings (themselves in a closer, conscious contact with their own Buddhi/Prajña Mind) have sought to establish an initial level of contact with humanity through simple human (yet well intended and good natured) representatives that mostly enact the world from an amber altitude and, occasionally, from an orange altitude. In a way, they are a sample of what most humans in today’s world are evolving to. Although participants in the “UFO-based social movement one” may also be not knowingly feeling part of the call or pull from Eros, they may fall short of having the required purity that could be associated with the unique experiences many Mision Rahma participants are undergoing. This lack of purity may block the required healthy levels of tetra-enaction called forth by Eros through Buddhi-Prajña.

What looks remarkable to me is that a certain level of sincerity, good intentions and purity of heart (if not, even of innocence), seems more crucial to establish contact with certain kinds of more evolved and friendly extraterrestrial beings than other streams or lines of development of the self. Perhaps this purity and innocence is more closely related to the Higher Mind (that generates vision-logic) than other lines being currently studied and is essential to advancing into a true Second Tier way of being-in-the world. To end this paper, I want to emphasize once again that what could be considered knowledge rather than mere belief in relation to what is normally deemed “esoteric” information (whether UFO contact-based or not) are truth claims that arise with a clearly strong simultaneous correlation in the four quadrants as revealed by their corresponding methodological injunctions. In this sense, maybe Mision Rahma presents a stronger case for knowledge than similar looking social movements.


1 Partridge, UFO Religions, 2003.

2 Retrieved from Unarius Academy of Science, March 15, 2007, from

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