Friday, November 6, 2009

Mission Rahma a 1992 Report

Mission Rama (a general report written in 1992 by Giorgio Piacenza under the pseudonym “Edilver”)

The world of contacteeism is full of extraordinary stories about the origins, purpose and destiny of humankind. This has been so at least since the 1950's and there has been little comparative analysis of this message content. In most cases the stories derive from personal experiences and are individually anecdotal. In some other cases (like Mision Rama or Mision Rahma) the number of contactees multiplied and the stories also complexified. In some cases there were greater levels of objective evidence demonstrating that the stories were accompanied by elusive but ocasionally verifiable phenomena. Mision Rama is in this category.

I do not claim to believe in all of what is being said in this report. I do think that there have been many experiencers of contact related to an unknown intelligence. Perhaps some parts of the following story are true. Perhaps other parts are distorted interpretations. Nonetheless, I have met a few kind and idealistic individuals that invested much effort with no personal gain (other than for the two or three main contactee leaders in this group who modestly live from books and lectures). In this group I've met individuals that claim to have simultaneously physically been before the objective presence of benign beings from other worlds. These individuals, generally speaking also agree with the following story which is like the overall cosmology that coalesces Mision Rama branch groups around the world.

In the contactee world we generally find followers of a charismatic leader without their own objective experiential sustenance. In Mision Rama's case we find both kinds of participants and -extra ordinarily- many claim to have verified that the contact is real. Apart from mistaking satellites and natural phenomena like lightning flashes for extraterrestrial vehicles (something I did observe when camping out with Mision Rama groups), I also met emotionally balanced working individuals with normal families who claim to have had direct objectively verifiable physical experiences either alone or along with others. Sometimes media reporters have been able to verify intriguing UFO sightings after they were convened by Mision Rahma members. Some of these sightings (expected after telepathic appointments) were clearer and more dramatic than others. Sometimes they were dissapointing.

Even if parts of the story are true and there's a history of extraterrestrial intervention on Earth, a cosmic expectation on how humanity will assume its role in the universe an so forth, the long term implications would be enormous culturally, scientifically, politically, philosophically and spiritually.

So here we go...

Here is another important contact experience almost unknown in the U.S. It originated in Peru in 1974 when a group of young men began an amazing series of contacts with beings from "Morlen" (the satellite of Jupiter, known as Ganymede).
Forty-nine extraterrestrial guides were assigned to work in "Mission Rama" under the coordination of Oxalc, from Morlen, The word RAMA contains a vibratory activator and was chosen 4,200 years ago. RA represents the Sun or irradiation and MA represents Mother Earth. The mantra Rama means Irradiating Light on Earth. Mission Rama is one of the many secondary missions of a cosmic hierarchy designed to help planets in transition such as Earth (Merla), which is supposed to enter the fourth dimensional mode of existence.
Morlen was originally settled by human beings from a star of system in Orion to establish a "colony of colonies". It currently possesses six cities, and beings from many worlds (including Earth) live there. Some of the worlds involved with Mission Rama are: Venus, Cerpican II in the Constellation Canis Majoris, and Apu in Alpha Centauri. The Pleyadians have also been known in Peru and some people have established contact with them, but I don't know in which ways they are involved with Mission Rama.
Hispanics have learned more about Mission Rama than any other ethnic group in the U.S. The language barrier has, in my opinion, precluded many American investigators and spiritually inclined individuals to find out about this important contact experience that originated in Peru and spread into countries such as: Spain, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. Although some groups were started in the U.S., most gatherings were conducted in Spanish, thus many non-Hispanics interested in the UFO field missed the information.
The modern phase of Mission Rama began when S. P., became the main psycho-graphic "antenna" during an experiment in telepathic communication with extraterrestrials. In 1974, the group heard a lecture by a foreign investigator who encouraged others to involve themselves in a more pro-active manner by trying to establish telepathic communications. S. had also been prepared, in some way, by by practicing Raja Yoga for some time, and in spite of this, he and his friends fell into disbelieve when their hands began to automatically write messages as if they had a mind of their own. The transmitter of the messages identified himself as Oxalc and requested and encounter on a specific date and time in a coastal area called Chilca, thirty-seven miles south of Lima. The stunning approach of a hamburger-shaped metallic craft that emitted orange, yellow and blue lights, and showed up precisely on time, shocked the incredulous group by hovering less than 300 ft. over their heads. Due to their reaction, they were telepathically informed (loudly and clearly) that they had to learn to control their emotions, and that a period of intense preparation would be necessary for them to participate in a closer encounter.
From the very beginning, the messages were spiritually and metaphysically instructive. Information about the history on Earth, cosmic structure, and, most importantly, teachings based upon a "Christ Consciousness" were given. The teachings always emphasized reverence for the”Profound Love of the Cosmic Consciousness" which is how they call God in our universe. Their main teaching was to make contact, not with them but more importantly, with the presence of God within ourselves. A series of 24 gatherings (one per week) was devised to help remember the inner presence and to activate dormant psychic faculties. These exercises borrowed much from Raja and Mantra Yoga techniques taught by the Silva Mind Control Int'l Organization. Prayer and healing through group visualization were also performed, and The Great Invocation was also repeated at the beginning of each gathering.
Mission Rama was formally organized as a non-profit institution, and for 17 years many groups of this nature were formed, not only in Peru, but in other countries as well. The extraterrestrial guides also established contact with "antennas" in other countries and hundreds of not thousands of individuals, underwent "initiations". During some of the initiations (that took place mostly during outdoor excursions), some individuals entered artificially generated space-time portal space-time portals called "Xendras" and were astrally or physically transported to other locations. Many other received their "Cosmic names", whose pronunciation is in tune with the total nature of each individual's soul, and whose purpose was to activate an awareness of one's true identity. Semi-materialized "Cesium Crystal Pyramids" were also received and incorporated into the chest, creating in this way an Eighth Chacra whose purpose was to allow assimilation of "manasic" energies streaming from the center of our galaxy; it also aided in developing psychic faculties.
The 24 Elders of the Galaxy
Some of the information received tell us that in each galaxy there's a form of government and several hierarchies. In our Milky Way Milky Way Galaxy, the most important hierarchy is formed by 24 highly evolved beings who are members of different cosmic civilizations and who do not represent a particular interest other than Evolution itself. They are called the "24 Elders of the Galaxy". Moreover, the civilizations that have reach a level of evolution, in which they are capable of assisting others help themselves, are united or confederated. According to their level of development, they may assume different level of development, they may assume different tasks such as Genetic Engineers, keepers or Guardians and Instructors.

The Council of Nine
Beyond the Milky Way, Galaxy M-31 in the Constellation of Andromeda is not only the closest giant elliptical galaxy, but is also the seat of an important council were the different galaxies of our local group are represented. This council is called the "Council of Nine" and the beings that rule here are called the "Nine of Andromeda". These beings together with the 2 Elders of various galaxies of our local group form what is known as the "Great White Brotherhood of the Star", which is linked with the Great White Brotherhood on planet Earth (nothing to do with race).
Information regarding cosmic structure tells us that in the Universal Order there are three types of universes:

1) A Material Universe, where all the millions of galaxies exist, consists of 7 dimensions (thus it is called the Septernal Universe).
2) A Mental Universe (also called the Eternal Universe) consisting of 3 dimensions.
3) A Spiritual Universe(also called the Universe the Universe of Unity or of the Absolute) which is said to contain 2 dimensions, and to be the essential source of the Mental Universe.

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